Dino-Mite! Dinosaur birthday parties are fun for boys and girls of all ages. There are so many clever – and easy – ideas to make your dinosaur party a hit. From dinosaur shaped balloons to frozen ice excavations, you’re sure to find some super fun dino-inspired ideas for your little one!
Colorful and not-too-scary dinosaur decorations
Rawr! This coloful dinosaur balloon display is sure to get the party roaring! The “RAWR” in big gold ballons is on top of the ferocious T-Rex surrounded by green and orange balloons with sprigs of ferns.

Or you can set the stage for a colorful fun dinosaur party with this pre-historic brontosaurus surrounded by gold, green, blue and fern filled balloons

For the little dino party, here are some super cute dinosaur balloons – great for party favors too!
Here’s an instant party hit – a dinosaur pop up tent. Fun photo op for the party plus the birthday girl or boy will enjoy this long after the party is over.
For the free spirited party host, you can dress up in costume as a Velociraptor and watch the giant smiles on the party goers! Or if you don’t want the full costume, you can add some “scary” fun with a t-rex head. And too, a simple T-rex hand puppet is sure to entertain the little ones!
Dinosaur party in a box – Instant dinosaur party decoration box inlcudes dinosaur balloons, yellow and green balloons, tropical tree balloon, paper fans, streamers and party rain curtains.
Dino-Mite! You will not believe all of the dinosaur party items in this dinosaur kit. Starting with the dino tails (the kids can take these home as favors) you’ll have a great time unwrapping everything in the “party in a box“.

Party like it’s 190089 BC! Fun easy way to add some party decorations is with plenty of dinosaur animals sprinkled about. Add a pre-historic sign and you’re good to go!

Not too scary – even with those tyrannosaurus teeth – this cute dinosaur is ready to party!
Another softie and a cutie! This cute dinosaur stuffed animal would make a great decoration for the little one’s first birthday party.

Dinosaur Birthday Party Invitations
Stomp, chomp, growl & Roar! Let’s PARTY like a DINOSAUR! Cute colorful dinosaur invitation featuring a pterodactyl, stegosaurus, triceratops, brontosaurus and of course T-Rex.
Here’s the same design with a little softer colors for a little girl dinosaur celebration.
You can also customize this invitation with Cojrl! Change text colors, backgrounds and more. Here’s a quick video on “How to” edit the invitation with Corjl.
Here’s a fun 3 pack of party dinosaur signs from BusyBeeHappenings. First, “Come on in & Roar, It’s time to party like a DINOSAUR!” Second, “DINO DIG” if you’re having an excavation. And third, “ADOPT a DINOSAUR” for dinosaur give away favors for the little ones. (Check out the glow in the dark dinosaur collection for super fun party favors.)

Cute dinosaur outfits for the birthday girl or boy!
If your little girl is having her first dinosaur birthday, this is a sweet pink outfit with a pink dinosaur and a gold pink and green sparkly skirt topped off with a pink satin bow.

Or maybe your little son is turning one. He would be so cute in this baby boy dinosaur outfit with a dark green shy dino holding a bright red heart. The dino-scales on the side are too fun!

Another sweet little dinosaur dress with cute pink dinosaurs and light blue ferns and flowers.

What one year old wouldn’t love this brontosaurus birthday shirt! Too cute.

Food and Drink Ideas
Dinosaur bones! What kid wouldn’t love one of these cute dinosaur bone shaped breadsticks. Just get some pizza dough, roll it and fashion the bone pieces at the end. Spray with butter then sprinkle a cinnamon sugar mixture on top. Yum!

Too easy dinosaur toes – Get a box of bugles (you can order here if your store doesn’t carry them), then toss in a bowl with a cute hand made sign!

While this is labeled as an Easter craft, they sure look like dinosaur eggs to me! You can find the “how to” on momluck.com The secret is to crack the shells a bit before you add them to food coloring – so clever!

If you need a vegan, gluten free snack, try these dinosaur energy bites! Get the recipe from reallyareyouserious.com

These clever “Jurassic Jellies” are actually jello in ice cube trays with raisins masquerading as the insects inside. You can use regular orange jello – or you can get more elaborate with the recipe from mamalikestocook

Sweet Dinosaur Treats!
Here are a couple of sweet birthday cakes with dinosaur accents. A cute stegosaurus with a #1 and a “ROAR” cookie decorates the first cake.

And of course, a mini party hat is adorable on the dinosaur cake topper.

You can get these oh so cute Dinosaur Cookies delivered to your home. Or, you can make your own with dinosaur cookie cutters

You can make your own fossil cookies too! Check out mrfood.com for the recipe

And who wouldn’t love one of these dinosaur macarons? So sweet!

Fun and Educational Dinosaur Activities
For the little ones, here’s a super easy and cute activity to make “DINO” plates. All you’ll need: white paper plates (the cheap ones work the best!), folk art paint and some clothespins. For step by step directions, head over to madetobemamma.com

Ice Age Dinosaurs – How cute is this idea! Get your miniature dinosaurs and cover them in water in a muffin tin and pop them in the freezer. (You can also get round ice cube trays if you’re looking for ice balls!) Let your party goers chip away at the frozen dinosaurs. For complete details on how to excavate these ancient dinosaurs, head over to mamaguru.com

The egg excavation activity from the Imagination Tree uses balloons instead of muffin cups. I love how sparkly they look with the frozen ice. They also suggest using a water spray bottle with warm water (dinosaur spray!) to help excavate the frozen dinosaurs. Too fun!

Activities for the older kiddos!
Volcanic activity! Or how about creating a real lava spewing (pink lava!) volcano? Here are the step by step instructions- and a video – from thesprucecrafts.com There’s also a super easy recipe you can make in a paper cup – no paper mache required! Of course whichever way you go, don’t forget the dinosaurs!

Find the Fossils! Let the kiddos excavate with a super fun dinosaur dig – You can entertain the little ones with their very own pre-historic rocks with dinosaurs hidden inside. You can get a box or a dozen (or more) for the party goers. Or you can just get the dinosaur skeletons and bury them in a sand box or kiddie pool filled with sand. And too, you can also cordon off the area with dinosaur dig tape!

Dinosaur Bath Bombs! What a fun activity for the kids – they can both help make the bath bombs and get a thrill out of watching them hatch. You’ll need plenty of small dinosaurs, baking soda, olive oil, citric acid and liquid watercolor food coloring. For step by step directions on these magic hatching dinosaurs, check out funathomewithkids.
Dinosaur theme favors, tags and thank you cards.
Glow in the dark dinosaurs! The kiddos will love taking home one of these these glow in the dark dinosaurs.
Favor tags: Here’s a super cute dinosaur with gold striped party hat and swirly tongue roaring “THANK YOU! For making my party DINO-MITE! These tags would be perfect for your party favors for your dinosaur party.
For larger favors or goodies, you can give each guest a favor treat box to take home. What’s more, you can customize these with the birthday girl or boy’s name.
How cute is this guy? “Thank You for stomping by!” Super sweet thank you card for your birthday boy or girl to send. Love the party hat and bow tie.
Another sweet thank you card with “Thanks for a RAWRIN Good time!” with three colorful cartoon dinosaurs.
Dinosaur Milestone Posters
Celebrate their love of dinosaurs with this fun milestone poster featuring their favorites, height, weight and accomplishments. Adorable to frame at the party!
Free Printable: Dinosaur-themed Food Tent Cards!
Enjoy these free printable food tent cards for your kiddo’s dinosaur birthday party! What’s more, the PDFs are editable – so you can change the text to fit your party.

Sign up for our newsletter & get the Dinosaur Food Tent Freebie!
Need a custom dinosaur design? Just let me know and we’ll get to work! Follow me on pinterest for more fun dinosaur ideas 🙂 If you’ve had a dinosaur party, feel free to share your ideas too!
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